
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The universe is limitless

I've been doing a lot of reading on metaphysics and how you can ask the universe for something and if you put positive energy into that request it will happen. Sounds like the Secret or witchcraft, which I do believe in, but I've always believed that whatever you throw out, you'll get it back. So if you throw negativity to the universe, you'll get it back..sometimes 10 fold.

I love this quote from some of my reading: We can ask for and create anything and everything we want, and there is still enough left over for everyone else.

So dear universe, Goddess, God, Blessed Being..I'm sending out a request for good luck for my family. My sister, nephew, my mother-in-law, my mom and I need some good luck in our lives.

Blessed be.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ^^

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