
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ain't too proud to beg

Seriously, I am feeling so overwhelmed. I was excited about my last quarter of school a few weeks ago, but not so much now. After all the issues that have been coming up, money, car problems and the worry of how am I suppose to do 160 hours of externship in 12 weeks when I work full time.... OY.

I just want to shut down a cry.

Or sleep till forever. :|

So yeah, I ain't too proud to I'm begging for one of the three miracles to happen:

  1. I win the lottery. The only problem is, I don't even have a freakin' dollar to spend on a lottery ticket. I think, oh yes, I can spare a dollar for a ticket.. no, I can't.. that dollar can go into my gas tank.... *cry*
  2. I get a bah-zillion page views on my blogs for both this blog and my Lil Z-bot site. Then I can finish up school AND help my sister pay for her legal fees (another story.........).
  3. My Go Fund Me attracts enough donors that are willing to help me fund my last quarter of school. Perks would be that I exceed my goal and I can still help my sister.


I don't know...I just don't know. I hope some good luck comes my way.

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