My personal (but public) blog..where I talk about my life and all things geeky ^^
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
I heart blind boxes
Phonezies!!! I love Tokidoki and I love phone charms. Two-in-one!!
And I love unicornos.... Vandalo is so cute!
I'm such a big kid.. ^__^
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Lovebirds 5 weeks update, Pancake is with egg
So we have a little escape artist. Little Darwin, our lone adventure, is always outside of the cage when we go into the bird room. We bought the cage on Craigslist for a decent price, but it's more for a bigger parrolet or a medium parrot. The bars are little spaced out, so the little babies can just squeeze through if they have enough ambition.
Darwin does not like to be caged. He is content sitting on someone's shoulder, or sitting atop Pancake & Lunchbox's cage. Of course that's only if Pancake is too tired to chase him around to bit his feet.
I've been looking for additional cages to house them in. We don't know the sexes yet, but if they are all males then we really won't have a problem. If there is a mix of sexes, we are going to be in trouble in a few months when they sexually mature. The problem is that cages are so freakin' expensive and I'm broke. :S
I'm seriously thinking about starting a GoFundMe for bird cages. LOL.
So about Ms. Pancake. She laid another egg last night, and I can see that another one is about to drop. We can't have anymore babies, so we are just letting her lay them without a box. Dillon is going to have to shake the eggs and put them back in. Apparently this will keep her from trying to lay eggs for a while.
After a month or so we are going to pull out all the newspaper and the dead eggs. We'll have to come up with some other kind of bedding that will deter her from laying... and them from mating again.
Poor Lunchbox is still eating his shoulder. I think the stress of feeding all the babies and knowing that Pancake is prego again is making him crack. We are going to have to take him to an Avian to see if we can correct this behavior before he eats his wing off!
Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions on how to keep the babies in the cages, how to keep Pancake from laying eggs, and stop Lunchbox from eating himself, I would appreciate it.
Darwin does not like to be caged. He is content sitting on someone's shoulder, or sitting atop Pancake & Lunchbox's cage. Of course that's only if Pancake is too tired to chase him around to bit his feet.
I've been looking for additional cages to house them in. We don't know the sexes yet, but if they are all males then we really won't have a problem. If there is a mix of sexes, we are going to be in trouble in a few months when they sexually mature. The problem is that cages are so freakin' expensive and I'm broke. :S
I'm seriously thinking about starting a GoFundMe for bird cages. LOL.
4 babies, Darwin is off by himself |
After a month or so we are going to pull out all the newspaper and the dead eggs. We'll have to come up with some other kind of bedding that will deter her from laying... and them from mating again.
Poor Lunchbox is still eating his shoulder. I think the stress of feeding all the babies and knowing that Pancake is prego again is making him crack. We are going to have to take him to an Avian to see if we can correct this behavior before he eats his wing off!
Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions on how to keep the babies in the cages, how to keep Pancake from laying eggs, and stop Lunchbox from eating himself, I would appreciate it.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Post-it Art
Taking calls from patients can get boring.. Luckily I have like 50 pads of post-it notes to doodle on at work. :P
I doodled this after reading Zombie news. Didn't make sense to me, so I guess I need to be a Zombie.
The end.
Snapeeed! |
Snapeeed as well... I couldn't help myself. |
I doodled this after reading Zombie news. Didn't make sense to me, so I guess I need to be a Zombie.
The end.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
kawaii app: Chibi Me for iPad
I remember when I was first living in Korea, I had a little bit of an issue with playing with some of the other kids because I didn't really speak Korean. I remember going over to a girl's house and she was trying to talk to me, but I could only pick out a few of the words that she was saying. After a few minutes her face lit up and she like, HEY, I know what we can do. She pulled out a bunch of notebooks with paper dolls and two pairs of scissors.
I flipped through the books and she had drawn a bunch of clothes and colored them for some paper dolls that her mom had drawn for her. We sat there, all smiles and playing with the paper dolls for hours until it was time for me to go home.
That was one of my first memories of wanting to learn how to draw. I self taught myself how to draw paper dolls and eventually I started learning to draw other things.
This is why I love this Chibi Me app, it reminds me of when I was a little girl and it got me started on learning how to draw.
I've been known to spend a hour playing with this app. The music is pretty cute too.
Doesn't she look like a creepy little girl?
This one is my favorite so far, but I have like 100 of these ss on my ipad. LOL... What can I say, I love feeling like a little kid again!
I flipped through the books and she had drawn a bunch of clothes and colored them for some paper dolls that her mom had drawn for her. We sat there, all smiles and playing with the paper dolls for hours until it was time for me to go home.
That was one of my first memories of wanting to learn how to draw. I self taught myself how to draw paper dolls and eventually I started learning to draw other things.
This is why I love this Chibi Me app, it reminds me of when I was a little girl and it got me started on learning how to draw.
I've been known to spend a hour playing with this app. The music is pretty cute too.
Doesn't she look like a creepy little girl?
This one is my favorite so far, but I have like 100 of these ss on my ipad. LOL... What can I say, I love feeling like a little kid again!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
BAM! Where did my baby birds go??
Yesterday Icarus and Darwin turned 4 weeks. Ponyo turned 4 weeks today, Nugget tomorrow and little Smallfry will be 4 weeks on Monday.
4 weeks.... doesn't seem very long right? So where did my sweet baby birds go? We came home yesterday and it was someone replaced my fuzzy, down-haired babies with adult lovebirds.
They still don't have their peach faces. And I think they are actually really cute like that.
I almost can't tell them apart, but they have some quirky personality traits that I've picked up on.
Darwin will immediately dart for the nearest blanket, pant leg or any opening in your clothing. Once I was laying down and he crawled down my shirt.
Icarus will lay on his belly and just slide around like he's a penguin; I was worried about him, but he was actually the first to fly yesterday, so he seems to be okay.
I have trouble with Ponyo and Nugget...even though they are slightly different colors, I get them mixed up. Out of all the birds they are quite docile and will just sit in whatever spot you put them in.
My little Smallfry, well, it's easy to tell her apart because she's much smaller then the others. My little runt..when you put her down on the floor she walks around with her neck stretched out and she looks like a little duckling running about. She loves to cuddle against me. So sweet.
So Icarus did two things yesterday, which I think is a first. One, he took a short flight off the bed towards the cage where his parents where. And then second, he managed to get up on a perch.
I'm pretty sure he flew up there, because they haven't really learned how to climb up and down the bars of the cage. I watched him waddle around the perch; he was wobbly and I thought a few times he might fall off and hurt himself...but I guess they need to learn sometime. Besides, Pancake and I have done a decent job of shredding bedding for them. I'll need to keep an eye on Pancake, she's almost a little OCD about paper in the cage.
We are going to have to make/buy some perches for outside the cages so that the babies can get some flight lessons in. I read online that it's good to have them learn to fly before clipping their wings. The only issue I have is the birdie poo. I'll need to find a flight suit online or something.
4 weeks.... doesn't seem very long right? So where did my sweet baby birds go? We came home yesterday and it was someone replaced my fuzzy, down-haired babies with adult lovebirds.
They still don't have their peach faces. And I think they are actually really cute like that.
Snapeee!!! |
I almost can't tell them apart, but they have some quirky personality traits that I've picked up on.
Darwin will immediately dart for the nearest blanket, pant leg or any opening in your clothing. Once I was laying down and he crawled down my shirt.
Icarus will lay on his belly and just slide around like he's a penguin; I was worried about him, but he was actually the first to fly yesterday, so he seems to be okay.
I have trouble with Ponyo and Nugget...even though they are slightly different colors, I get them mixed up. Out of all the birds they are quite docile and will just sit in whatever spot you put them in.
My little Smallfry, well, it's easy to tell her apart because she's much smaller then the others. My little runt..when you put her down on the floor she walks around with her neck stretched out and she looks like a little duckling running about. She loves to cuddle against me. So sweet.
So Icarus did two things yesterday, which I think is a first. One, he took a short flight off the bed towards the cage where his parents where. And then second, he managed to get up on a perch.
I'm pretty sure he flew up there, because they haven't really learned how to climb up and down the bars of the cage. I watched him waddle around the perch; he was wobbly and I thought a few times he might fall off and hurt himself...but I guess they need to learn sometime. Besides, Pancake and I have done a decent job of shredding bedding for them. I'll need to keep an eye on Pancake, she's almost a little OCD about paper in the cage.
We are going to have to make/buy some perches for outside the cages so that the babies can get some flight lessons in. I read online that it's good to have them learn to fly before clipping their wings. The only issue I have is the birdie poo. I'll need to find a flight suit online or something.
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photo via Flight Quarters |
Friday, December 13, 2013
Good news everybody...
I've been watching a lot of Futurama.
Anyway, the good news is that my bearded boy friend has landed a new job! AND, he might be making enough for me to quit my job! Well, not right away of course...bills, wedding plans.....frakkin' 13 mouths to feed in this animal house....:)
The other sort of good news is that I might be getting a job at a clinic. :) They said they are looking for a LPN, but MAs do the same thing so I might have a chance. Plus it helps that all the nurses in that department want me. ^^
If I get that job then I'll have to take my RN classes at night. Or I'll have to find a weekend job. OR---my favorite option---Dillon can support us and I can just go to school.
I'm excited.
And we needed some good news right about now.....
Anyway, the good news is that my bearded boy friend has landed a new job! AND, he might be making enough for me to quit my job! Well, not right away of course...bills, wedding plans.....frakkin' 13 mouths to feed in this animal house....:)
The other sort of good news is that I might be getting a job at a clinic. :) They said they are looking for a LPN, but MAs do the same thing so I might have a chance. Plus it helps that all the nurses in that department want me. ^^
If I get that job then I'll have to take my RN classes at night. Or I'll have to find a weekend job. OR---my favorite option---Dillon can support us and I can just go to school.
I'm excited.
And we needed some good news right about now.....
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Insomina Sundays
I have the worse headache ever. The E6000 glue has definitely claimed a couple hundred of my brain cells. I probably shouldn't have blinged out this case in our small office, but I was trying to multi....super multitask. I'm watching the 4400 again and I was also trying to level my Mage on warcraft. Oh and read my new My Little Pony comics.
The weekend is short, gotta cram everything I can in.
I'm pretty proud of how it came out. ^^ I bought most of the cabochons from a girl on Instagram (@eyecandieeecraftsetc) and the crystals and misc pieces from Etsy. I still have enough to make like 20 more cases. But I think I'll need to find another glue before I lose all my brain cells.
So, another weekend (and week) has gone by and I haven't written any more chapter on my novel. Oy vey, I blame Mark for the bad review he gave me on my draft. Well, it wasn't the whole draft, just a chapter..and I guess it would be confusing just reading one chapter...ugh, I'm just self conscience.
((I'm being bratty & whiny))
I did start writing a short story tho. I was thinking about my grandma..and about some funny things that happened when I was living with her.
I'm using this as a exercise to get my creative juices flowing. We shall see how far I get.
Sundays are absolutely the worst day of the week. For the following reasons (list! Yay!!):
1. It's the end of the weekend. Why hasn't anyone come up with the brilliant plan to make Monday the last day of the weekend? We could also get rid of the Monday Blues this way.
2. In good 'ole Indiana, you can't purchase any alcohol. Not that I drink that much, but this rule makes me want to buy a 24-pack every Sunday. And since I can't I get sad. Very say.
There is also a law that states if person has a puppet show, wire dancing or tumbling act in the state of Indiana and receives money for it, they will be fined $3 under the Act to Prevent Certain Immoral Practices.
I kind of what to start a puppet show act....
3. Sunday means I have I go to work the next day. And I'm really tired talking to patients. I'm
Sorry, I mean, getting yelled at. Low encome clinics are no bueno.
4. Sunday nights I always have a million things going on in my head. Like, did I pay the water bill; what does Zed do when we go to sleep; where did I put my keys; why is my stomach growling; are these retainers keeping my teeth straight; if Dillon whacks me one more time in his sleep I'm going to punch him in the balls.
5. I always forget I have meds that can knock me out..and when I do remember and take it, it's 2am and I struggle to get up on time for work.
You be happy to know I remember at 1am, so I might be ok tomorrow AM.
Spent some time with Baby, not as much as I wanted, but we had some fun. We are working on her laying in her back. She'll let me flip her over, but she has to be holding on to my fingers. Eventually she, going to trust me and just lay there.
Oo.. Yay, it's kicking in. I'm about to pass out!
Night internet.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ^^
The weekend is short, gotta cram everything I can in.
I'm pretty proud of how it came out. ^^ I bought most of the cabochons from a girl on Instagram (@eyecandieeecraftsetc) and the crystals and misc pieces from Etsy. I still have enough to make like 20 more cases. But I think I'll need to find another glue before I lose all my brain cells.
So, another weekend (and week) has gone by and I haven't written any more chapter on my novel. Oy vey, I blame Mark for the bad review he gave me on my draft. Well, it wasn't the whole draft, just a chapter..and I guess it would be confusing just reading one chapter...ugh, I'm just self conscience.
((I'm being bratty & whiny))
I did start writing a short story tho. I was thinking about my grandma..and about some funny things that happened when I was living with her.
I'm using this as a exercise to get my creative juices flowing. We shall see how far I get.
Sundays are absolutely the worst day of the week. For the following reasons (list! Yay!!):
1. It's the end of the weekend. Why hasn't anyone come up with the brilliant plan to make Monday the last day of the weekend? We could also get rid of the Monday Blues this way.
2. In good 'ole Indiana, you can't purchase any alcohol. Not that I drink that much, but this rule makes me want to buy a 24-pack every Sunday. And since I can't I get sad. Very say.
There is also a law that states if person has a puppet show, wire dancing or tumbling act in the state of Indiana and receives money for it, they will be fined $3 under the Act to Prevent Certain Immoral Practices.
I kind of what to start a puppet show act....
3. Sunday means I have I go to work the next day. And I'm really tired talking to patients. I'm
Sorry, I mean, getting yelled at. Low encome clinics are no bueno.
4. Sunday nights I always have a million things going on in my head. Like, did I pay the water bill; what does Zed do when we go to sleep; where did I put my keys; why is my stomach growling; are these retainers keeping my teeth straight; if Dillon whacks me one more time in his sleep I'm going to punch him in the balls.
5. I always forget I have meds that can knock me out..and when I do remember and take it, it's 2am and I struggle to get up on time for work.
You be happy to know I remember at 1am, so I might be ok tomorrow AM.
![]() |
Spent some time with Baby, not as much as I wanted, but we had some fun. We are working on her laying in her back. She'll let me flip her over, but she has to be holding on to my fingers. Eventually she, going to trust me and just lay there.
Oo.. Yay, it's kicking in. I'm about to pass out!
Night internet.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ^^
Friday, December 6, 2013
Snapeee post: SELFIES
I'm not ashamed.. I think I pass for a cute girl and I like doing selfies. And selfies plus stamps.. YAY! I think the stamps make me look cuter. I know, impossiburrrrrrrr!!
serious nerd selfie |
uber nerd selfie!!! |
supah vogue nerd selfie! |
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Baby update
I worry that I'm not really being a good mum to little Baby. I need to spend more time with her, but with so many animals needing my attention...she gets left out in the cold. I'm going to have to come up with a schedule for playtime with all my babies...
Any way, Baby is now 6 months old. I didn't notice how big she's gotten until we saw a younger bird at the pet store. I feel so bad when I see the other conures at the pet store now; their feathers are frayed and they have some quirky things they do that makes me think being stuck in a pet store so long has made them crazy.
I need to working on her nippin' and her refusal to listen when we do "step-up" or try to get her to stop doing something she's not suppose to. The little naughty girl has the taste for soda now.. my mistake of leaving a diet coke in the bird room unattended. I came back and she was going nuts over the can. Now when she sees one she MUST HAVE IT. Oy. It's so bad, my little addict.
But I still love her. And she loves her mommy and I time.^^
Any way, Baby is now 6 months old. I didn't notice how big she's gotten until we saw a younger bird at the pet store. I feel so bad when I see the other conures at the pet store now; their feathers are frayed and they have some quirky things they do that makes me think being stuck in a pet store so long has made them crazy.
I need to working on her nippin' and her refusal to listen when we do "step-up" or try to get her to stop doing something she's not suppose to. The little naughty girl has the taste for soda now.. my mistake of leaving a diet coke in the bird room unattended. I came back and she was going nuts over the can. Now when she sees one she MUST HAVE IT. Oy. It's so bad, my little addict.
But I still love her. And she loves her mommy and I time.^^
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